(COVID-19 and ISOLATION approved!)
On May 8th, Playground Ideas are running a special screening of the Nüdel Kart documentary, “The Wheels of Wonder”, to coincide with the launch of the Nüdel Kart mini, and to help provide some entertainment to households during isolation.
Off the back of a SOLD OUT show at the Nova ‘Transitions Film Festival’, comes our feature length film for a special one off event.
Date: May 8th
Time: From 7pm (a link and password will be provided from Thursday 7th May until Monday 11th may)
Where: From the comfort of your own couch.
Is the film family friendly? Yes, the film is suitable for young and old.
How long is it? The movie runs for just over an hour and you will also get to briefly meet both filmmaker, Roger Ungers, and the CEO/Founder of Playground Ideas, Marcus Veerman.
Where does the money go? All proceeds from this screening will go towards helping create play spaces and delivering Nüdel Karts to children who need it most. Together, even in isolation, we can make an impact.
“The Wheels of Wonder follows a team of ambitious social impact creators as they enter Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, with a curious project. Their mission: to trial and test an unusual prototype play cart with the hope of improving the lives of refugee children through “loose parts” play.
The project is led by Marcus Veerman, founder and CEO of Playground Ideas, a not-for-profit providing open-source playground building resources which benefit children all over the world. Veerman’s passionate and skilled team includes a Product Designer, Play Specialist and Technical Lead. Despite plenty of planning, the group face numerous challenges whilst constructing and trialling a material-based prototype in a country which is currently home to an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees.
This thoughtfully told story highlights the importance of play, which is said to be as crucial to a child’s brain development as food and sleep. The film shines a light on the immense challenges facing those who have been forcibly displaced, but transcends politics with uplifting moments of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.”
The Nüdel Kart Mini
Only 6 months after launching the full size Nüdel Kart to educators, we have fast tracked the Nüdel Kart Mini so your kids can have just as much fun at home with loose parts play. (And possibly provide you, the parents and carers, with some much needed relief!)
Check out the Nüdel Kart mini press release for more details,
About Nüdel Kart
Nüdel Kart is brought to you by Playground Ideas, a non profit organisation that has been operating since 2007, building playgrounds and creating play for over 1.8 million children in over 143 countries.
Nüdel Kart is a social enterprise. 100% of the profits go towards creating stimulating play spaces for children anywhere in the world.
Nüdel Kart is a deconstructable, mobile play kart that can be reconfigured in endless ways to encourage self-directed learning. It contains research-backed specially selected materials to stimulate children’s development.
About Playground Ideas
Playground Ideas supports anyone, anywhere, to build a stimulating space for play using local materials, tools, and skills. Playground Ideas has over a decade of experience creating resources and building a global community with specialisation in scale at low cost. Playground ideas have supported play projects in over 3000 communities, 143 countries, helping over 1.8million children to access stimulating play worldwide . Playground Ideas have now launched Nüdel Kart, the world’s first loose-parts play solution designed for mass scale to impact millions. https://playgroundideas.org/
Playground Ideas was founded by Marcus Veerman in 2011, and he and Emma Ribbens co designed the Nüdel Kart.
Contact Marcus on 0432738719 or Laurette on 0408 003 099 for more information.