
31 May
Three sets of DIY monkey bars
Posted by Elizabeth Moreno

Across the globe, kids love swinging, hanging, and climbing on monkey bars. And with the right tools and designs you can build monkey bars kids will love playing on for years to come. Playground Ideas has over 150 free DIY playground element designs that can be built anywhere in the world from locally sourced, low-cost, and recycled materials. These designs are free of common safety hazards and each design comes with downloadable step-by-step pictorial instructions. Here are three of our favorite DIY monkey bar sets from our design library:

Monkey Bars

1. Monkey Bars – Metal

Build these classic monkey bars from metal. Design instructions include two heights – one for 3-4 year olds and another for ages 5+.  

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2. Monkey Bars – Timber

You can also build a classic set of monkey bars from timber or bamboo (although only very specific varieties are appropriate ). One important note: before building this element, ensure that termites or other wood eating insects are not a problem in your area. If they are, you’ll be better off building the frame from steel. You can learn more about selecting appropriate materials in our “Playground Builder’s Handbook.”

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3. Rebar Igloo

The Rebar Igloo isn’t your typical set of monkey bars, but it serves the same purpose in a different form. It’s also a great element for different ages as the dome shape makes the height of the bars progressive, so little kids can play on the lower bars while older or more confident kids can climb up to the higher bars.

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Looking for a full playground design? Check out our Playground Starter Kit. This playground design scheme puts together some of our favorite, time tested designs into a beautiful space that encourages active, imaginative, creative, and social play. Best of all, every element can be built from local, low-cost and recycled materials, commonly found tools, and local labor. And each design comes with full DIY step-by-step instructions.

Click here to download our free Playground Starter Kit.