Mega Mergers

Service Region: The Bahamas/Caribbean

Sponsor Type: Global Play Alliance

About Us

At Mega Mergers Programs,  we Think, Create & Collaborate to improve the lives of all children!

Founded in June 2015, Mega Mergers Programs teaches at-risk youth to think about what is going on in the world around them. We create solutions to the challenges they face and solutions to community and global issues. We collaborate with like-minded persons to solve not only their personal challenges but also community and global challenges.  This teaching takes on the form of training through the arts, with a strong focus on environmental, economic and social sustainability. In an effort to engage children at the earliest possible age we have now begun to construct imaginative play spaces using mostly recycled materials, that encourage children to be the most authentic version of themselves.

Fundamentally we instruct using indigenous and recyclable materials as the tool.  Participants are taught skills and life lessons through learning how to transform these materials into art, crafts and functional pieces that can be used in everyday life.  They are allowed to explore their own thoughts by being given the freedom to create beautiful, functional and artistic works from their own imagination. At the primary school level, participants are encouraged to explore creative play by enjoying one of our inclusive eco-friendly play spaces.

Project Location


Main Address

The Bahamas/Caribbean