Project Details
One of three projects being built in the suburbs of Jinja, Uganda this month. The summer will see 9 playgrounds built, 3 at one time in different primary schools with the support and work of UK volunteers. Imam Hassan Primary School have a student body of 400, and alongside the 14 UK volunteers, EAP's team of builders and welders are working on site for the duration of the month-long project.
The playground design has been made up of different elements, decisions and choices- made by the school and children through community consultations. The designs have been developed by Playground Ideas and the EAP team, tailored to fit the space and requirements of Imam Hassan. Using locally sourced materials the playground will include a range of exciting features, such as tyre climbing obstacles, rest spaces and imaginative tyre forms in addition to the climbing frame structures, with platform, slide and fireman's pole!. The land that encloses the school has been considered, maximising use of space with playground elements in different locations around the school site.