Warat Elementary Playground Project

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Location: Philippines

Project Details

I am an artist/designer living in the Philippines for nine months interested in working with a local community in the Cagayan Valley area to design and build a playground. With the help of Cagayan State University and their extension out reach program I have been introduced to a variety of elementary school. At each school location I have met with the principle and teachers as well as walked the school grounds to meet the students in order to asses the need and interest in the construction of a playground. After visiting multiple schools I have selected the finial location to build a playground. The selected school is Warat elementary, located in Warat a small barangy of Piat. The school has 127 student and 5 teacher stretched across grades kindergarten to sixth grade. The classes are held in 4 class rooms and 1 stage, grades 3&4 and 5&6 are combined and the kinder class is held on the stage. In terms of playground there is a swing set frame with no swings because the existing swing were made of metal and children were being injured so they have been removed. There is also a seesaw with only one seat left, leaving it useless. The current play area of most of the children is a small patch of black top in front of the stage. The goal of this playground project is to add play elements and structures to the environment of the Warat community, in order to help expand the children creative, physical, and problem solving skills, and of course to promote PLAY!!

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