You may have noticed a number of articles and blogs that Jeni has recently penned that have appeared on our Playground Ideas website.
Dr Jeni Wilson has known the Playground Ideas Founder, Marcus Veerman, for a number of years, and last year was invited to be part of the writing team to help with the launch of the Nudel Kart and the teacher training manual that supports this.
De Jeni has a wealth of experience as a parent, teacher, and consultant, with much of her work centred around inquiry and student agency.
Because of this experience, we asked her to write about play based learning and other relevant topics such as creativity and STEM, and speak to how the Nudel Kart can complement and enhance many of these often neglected areas of learning.
You can check them out here: Writings About Play
And you can learn more about Dr Jeni Wilson through an online magazine called Weekend Notes, where she has written nearly 600 reviews/articles https://www.weekendnotes.com/profile/257402/
Brief Bio
Dr Jeni Wilson (Dip T, B. Ed, Master of Ed, Phd) is an Associate of the Faculty of Education at the University of Melbourne. She taught at the University of Melbourne in the Education Faculty for fifteen years as a senior lecturer in pre and post service education. Her main area of work was training primary school teachers. She also taught subjects in secondary education and general training fields. Jeni has been the supervisor of varied Masters and Doctoral research projects.
Jeni has extensive experience as a private consultant in schools delivering professional development programs including classroom action research, planning support and in-classroom mentoring/demonstrations. The major focus is on innovative, inquiry based, student centred, differentiated and reflective teaching, learning and assessment. The majority of her work is on supporting teachers to implement inquiry based curriculum, hands on and personalising learning. These are student centred approaches that listen to student voices and build on student questions and curiosity.
Jeni is an experienced speaker who has worked with large audiences and has been invited to speak interstate and overseas. Jeni is the co-author of over 60 books including many teachers reference books, several children’s texts and teacher resource materials, for example: Smart Thinking, Thinking for Themselves, Integrated Assessment, Self-Assessment for Students and Focus on Inquiry (with Lesley Wing Jan) Learning Links and Learning for themselves (with Kath Murdoch), Contracts for Learning (with Lynda Cutting) and Activate Inquiry. She is the series editor and writer of many books in the series entitled Little books with big ideas and Infotexts. Some of her publications have been translated and many are sold in Canada, America, Japan, New Zealand, England, Indonesia, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates and elsewhere.
In addition, Jeni has had dozens of articles published and presented numerous conference papers here and around the world. Just for fun, in the last few years Jeni have written nearly 600 reviews/articles for an online magazine called Weekend Notes.
She has been invited to be part of the writing team during the launch of Nudel Kart…..
Prior to post education training Jeni was a librarian, an art teacher, classroom teacher and delivered professional development programs on literacy and numeracy. This year she has trained as a wedding celebrant.
Jeni has been fostering for over thirty years. She has two biological children and is the permanent carer of two indigenous children. She also provides respite and emergency care. As a single working mother she has to be organized, creative and a problem solver to juggle these roles. Jeni has experience with reluctant readers and those who are challenged due to trauma, medical and other issues. She also lives with various animals including dogs and much loved curious cats!