That’s right, 6 months after launching the full size Nüdel Kart to schools and other child based organisations, we have fast tracked the Nüdel Kart Mini so your kids can have just as much fun at home with loose parts play. (And possibly provide you, the parents and carers, with some much needed relief!)
The Nüdel Kart Mini is a 17.5% scaled version of the Nudel Kart. And it comes complete with all the same loose parts. Over 200 in fact!!
Designed for children 6+, the Nüdel Kart Mini will arrive in 5 separate plywood sheets which you then need to assemble. Mum or Dad, you might need to help with some of the more fiddly bits.
The pieces simply pop out and then click together. Simply follow the included instruction manual to construct…
From there, it’s up to the imagination what you want to create. Just like the Nüdel Kart, the Mini can be deconstructed and rebuilt into millions of different configurations.
In this unexpected environment, we have fast tracked production and we are expecting delivery May/June. You can pre order yours now for 50% off at AUD$29.99 plus shipping.
Normally AUD$59.00, this offer is available for the first 100 karts, being delivered soon. This is a great addition to the toy cupboard that provides lots of play based learning potential such as improved motor skills, building and creativity.
For more information on the Nüdel Kart you can visit our dedicated website here.
Nüdel Kart is brought to you by Playground Ideas, a non profit organisation that has been operating since 2007, building playgrounds and creating play for children everywhere.
Nüdel Kart is a social enterprise by non-profit Playground Ideas. 100% of profits go towards creating stimulating play spaces for children anywhere in the world. Nüdel Kart is a deconstructable, mobile play kart that can be reconfigured in endless ways to encourage self-directed learning. It contains research-backed specially selected materials to stimulate children’s development.
Alternative learning; Montessori and Steiner
Posted by client_admin
By Jeni Wilson
This article explores 2 types of alternative learning; Montessori and Steiner (or Waldorf), and how they can benefit the student. Both have maintained popularity over time and are similar in their child or student-centred curriculum that values both curiosity and play.
Choosing the right type of education for your child is not an easy task. Some people choose a school because it’s local to their home, others choose a school based on where they went. Some decide on an alternate school.
Alternative schooling resists conservative models of education and traditional practices. In alternative settings students are more likely to be exercising creativity, play, and freedom of thinking. They will do this through student voice and agency rather than operating in strictly controlled settings where teachers make most, if not all, of the decisions.
Montessori & Steiner
In our increasingly rushed and tightly scheduled lifestyles, Montessori and Steiner, (or Waldorf), offer a learning alternative. Action-oriented learning and kinaesthetic learning are key features of these types of teaching and learning.
They are both more hands on, student directed, and an individually paced way of learning that focuses on the whole child. In other words, social, emotional, intellectual and physical aspects of the child are all considered important.
“He did not want the sand in the pail, but he wanted the exercise of putting it there. He wanted to feel the joy of doing something by himself.” – Maria Montessori
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”– Maria Montessori
Creativity, often neglected in traditional schooling, is given a high level of importance in both these methods. Characteristically the importance of play, student goal setting and problem solving, are also high on each method’s teaching agendas.
Focuses on self-directed activity, collaborative play and hands-on learning. Students make creative choices about their learning and are offered age-appropriate activities.
Focuses on the development of well-rounded students through a broad and integrated curriculum, including an emphasis on the arts, physical education, academics, emotional and social education.
Waldorf education is also known as Steiner education. It is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. It has a predictable integrated and holistic pedagogy based around developing intellectual, artistic, and practical skills. There are over 1300 Steiner/Waldorf Schools and 2000 early childhood centres around the world.
Common Characteristics and Key Beliefs
Despite looking different in practise, Montessori and Steiner have many common characteristics and core beliefs as alternative learning options:
Montessori & Steiner
Learning is a natural process driven by students goals
Take into account developmental stages – sensitive periods to learn
Trust children will learn
Learning is an active process
Goal setting, motivation and self-esteem are fundamental
Creativity and curiosity are important
Cultivation of students’ imagination and creativity and the arts are central
Self-direction and independence are key features. Students are able to learn at their own pace
Develop independent thinkers capable of higher order questions
Students learn through active exploration
Students can make choices for themselves
Hands on materials and resources developed to match ages
Individuals are able to create meaning in their own lives
The prepared environment – should reflect the lifelong environment
The environment provides a context for learning
Students are eager and ready to learn
Encourage oral mastery of language, not reading until year2
Respect and moral values are paramount
No text books until Year 6
‘The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’
Maria Montessori
The importance of play
This teaching/learning scenario, where students are given multiple opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning, is often captured while children are engaged in self-initiated play. Play is recognized by both methods as crucial for children. It enables many of the central beliefs of both Montessori and Steiner to be realized.
“Play is the work of the child.” Maria Montessori
In contrast to traditional forms of education, Montessori and Steiner allow children to take their time doing what comes naturally – to play and to develop holistically. It is of no coincidence that many students from these systems become creative all-rounders who are curious about their world and creative problem solvers.
I don’t think anyone would disagree that we need our children to grow up to tackle increasingly complex challenges in innovative ways. It makes sense for them to use these skills during play.
“Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.” ― Rudolf Steiner
Sewell, C. Wilson, J. Laing, B. and Veerman, M. (2020) Nudel Kart Teachers Manual (2020)
Wilson, J. and Wing Jan, L. Focus on Inquiry (second edition). Education Services Australia, Carlton South.
The role of the teacher/adult in play
Posted by client_admin
By Jeni Wilson
Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth (Ginsburg, 2007). But the role of the teacher/adult in play, though important, is often misunderstood.
The temptation for teacher/adults is often to do things for kids or to tell them what to do to ‘save’ or control them. This can defeat fundamental purposes of play and reduce the benefits (hyperlink to benefits of play).
The purpose of play
Some of the purposes of play include: to build resilience, develop lifelong skills (including creativity), relieve stress, form bonds, use imaginations, self exploration and to have fun (Brown, 2014). Even when teacher/adults cannot identify the purpose, play is not purposeless. For example, a child fascinated with learning to juggle might want to master that skill, have fun, impress mates, fill in time, or be better at basketball.
We have to learn to live with the fact that our goals don’t always match children’s goals, and for them, their goals are going to be much more enticing.
“Teacher/adult interactions with children have an impact on the play space and children’s play” (Playwork Principles Scrutiny Group, 2005).
Teacher/adult Interaction or Interference?
The role of the teacher/adult will have an impact on student’s play. The way they set up the space, the things they say before, during and after play, the time given, the resources offered and not offered (such as loose parts).
The question teacher/adults always need to ask before deciding on their actions while children playing is ….
What is the purpose?
If we want children to develop resilience …why would we always protect them from the (safe) responses of others?
If we want then to be risk takers …why would we tell them what to do and how to do it?
If we want them to be persistent… why do we make them stop when they are focussed?
If we want them to be problem solvers…why would we give them all the materials they need?
What would you do if…
Play scenario
Option A
Option B
A child is struggling with trying a rope to their group constructed machine
Tie the knot for them
Say ‘I’m impressed that you keep trying for yourself’
A child is playing by themself
Ask another child to work with them
Start playing yourself nearby
A child is trying to join a group and change the original construction
Tell them to find another group
Remind them that the group have already started and to remember to be respectful of everyone’s ideas
A child is sitting by themselves watching others
Tell them to find a group to join in
Ask them what they are thinking and planning to do
The role of the teacher/adult and their interactions with play can build or reduce a child’s confidence, reflection skills and independence. While the option A responses above may be quicker and feel more comfortable, option B responses are more likely to support children to make decisions for themselves, develop skills and improve their self esteem.
Playing with children not controlling the play
Ideally, some play involves teacher/adults, but when play is controlled by adults, the benefits of play can, at the very least, be watered down.
Taking cues from children
Taking cues from children shows them that you believe in their ability as capable learners, thinkers and risk takers who can make their own decisions. This is motivating and leads to a stronger sense of wellbeing and confidence (Sewell, Wilson, Laing, and Veerman. (2020)).
Scaffolding learning through play
Teacher/adults make a huge difference when scaffolding learning through play and extending children’s knowledge and skills. Children often like adults to join in to their play! It’s hard, but important not to take over.
Knowing when to observe, pose questions, stand back, direct, interact, explain, give feedback and instruct is an art!
Roles of a Teacher/adult
Being keen observers of children skills and using this data for planning further learning/play.
Providing challenges, minimal constructive feedback and a safe environment.
Being explicit about skills and naming materials/resources.
Being patient. Giving time and space for children to solve their own problems, make their own choices and mistakes. Not interfering, waiting for them to invite you to play.
Taking their lead
Showing authentic interest in children’s play/ideas/interests. Not instigating play.
Asking genuine questions about their thinking and decision making.
Teacher/adults can learn a lot from watching students at play, waiting for their invitations and their student leads. Prompting questions can be used to help guide students to challenge and modify their own play (if necessary). Observations and answers to questions can be used for teacher planning.
The Nüdel Kart, created by Playground Ideas, offers a great solution for teachers and adults to observe play. The kart comes with a teacher training manual with example teacher questions to stimulate student thinking and the example lesson plan.
The question we should always ask before intervening in play is – What is the purpose?
Centre for Evidence and Implementation (2019). Nudel KART: encouraging play with children. (Developed for Playground Ideas). Melbourne, Australia.
Kenneth R. Ginsburg, ; and the Committee on Communications and ; and the Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health Paediatrics January 2007, 119 (1) 182-191; DOI:
Sewell, C. Wilson, J. Laing, B. and Veerman, M. (2020) Nudel Kart Teacher Manual.
Brown, K. (2014) What is the Purpose of Play?
Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination
Posted by client_admin
By Jeni Wilson
Luckily, Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination are innate. However, these skills and dispositions, so highly regarded in preschools, are often neglected as children grow older.
Teachers often complain about a crowded curriculum and therefore, in practice, the basics get priority. Play and other contexts for developing these skills and dispositions are the poor cousins in curriculum implementation.
The connection of play, Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination to learning cannot be underestimated (Walker, 2005) but sadly it is.
Having fun and optimism contributes to Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination
“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” Edward de Bono
There are a number of simple things that teachers/caregivers can do to enact what they believe and to enhance Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination.
What teachers and caregivers can DO:
Emphasise inquiry focussed learning
Incorporate more play
Use cooperative groups
Set challenging learning tasks where risk taking is needed
Use higher order questions especially those that require ‘out of the box’ responses
Get children to visualise and imagine
Demonstrate that Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination are valued
Provide open ended tasks
Incorporate more STEM tasks
Integrate the Arts into regular classroom tasks
Teach children to be self-aware
Focus on the whole child
Be flexible
Choose tasks that are engaging
Create an environment that encourages Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination
“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” Thomas A. Edison
The role of loose parts play
As I was typing this article I was more and more aware that play with loose parts would achieve the characteristics in the lists above. I have seen first hand how curious children are when playing with the Nüdel Kart because of its open ended nature and the unlimited types of playand outcomes that are possible.
It is fitting then to finish this article with some reflections by children about their experiences with the Nüdel Kart. They have recognized for themselves the impact on Creativity, Curiosity and Imagination.
“I loved Nüdel Kart because I was really creative and you could experiment in lots of ways and you could develop your critical thing (sic) skills. I enjoyed all of it!!!!!”
“…it was really fun and I realised I was good at coming up with ideas for what my group could do to make our creations even better.”
“…after Nüdel Kart I found out I’m good at improvising. When I wanted to make a roller coaster but we only had two wheels I suggested to turn it into a lawn mower. It was lightweight and had a things bag for what we mowed. And we made a trampoline.”
“I enjoyed having the challenge of creating something. It was really cool, being able to work as a team and improvising when there’s limited time.”
Hopkins, D. and Craig, W. (n.d.) Curiosity and Powerful learning. McRel International, Australia.
Munro, J. (n.d) Curiouser and Curiouser. McRel International, Australia.
Sewell, C. Wilson, J. Laing, B. and Veerman, M. (2020) Nudel Kart Teachers Manual (2020)
Walker, Kathy. (2005) What’s the hurry? Australian Scholarships Group (np)